
video_library 10 Videos

Which World Football League Is The Best Of The Best

Serie A, La Liga and the Premiership all voice strong claims to be the finest football league in the world […]

Slash Your 40-time and Get Faster

How to get faster for football…a question filled with gimmick answers and hucksters trying to stick you for your papers. […]

5 Fantastic Football Apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch Devices

Football season is upon us. If you consider yourself a fan, hopefully you have all of your necessities at the […]

In the sports arena, peak performance in sports has always been a much sought after state by players and coaches of all levels. Whether the athletes are school boys soccer players or Olympians striving for their Gold medals, peak performance in sports has always attracted athletes and coaches alike. In our modern age of sports, where sports science is at a stratospheric level and rising, what are the factors that when applied correctly can lead sports participants to peak performance in sports? Are there secrets to sporting excellence? Are these factors easily manipulated for the benefits of the athletes? This article discusses the factors that can lead athletes and coaches to peak performance in sports.

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5 Fantastic Football Apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch Devices

Duration: 02:34 52

Football season is upon us. If you consider yourself a fan, hopefully you have all of your necessities at the ready: an HDTV the size of a refrigerator; an oversized foam hand emblazoned with your favorite team’s mascot; snacks, sweet and savory alike; and plenty of heated opinions for the next water-cooler discussion or, failing that, for yelling at the radio. If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, then consider yourself lucky, as you’ll have even more ways to […]

Football Boots (Soccer Cleats) The History

Duration: 05:24 44

Football Boots: Earliest Recorded – King Henry VIII in 1526 King Henry VIII’s football boots were listed within the Great Wardrobe of 1526, a shopping list of the day. They were made by his personal shoemaker Cornelius Johnson in 1525, at a cost of 4 shillings, the equivalent of £100 in today’s money. Little is known about them, as there is no surviving example, but the royal football boots are known to have been made of strong leather, ankle high […]

How American Football Got Started

Duration: 02:34 48

Football points can be scored in many different ways, including catching a pass over the goal line, carrying the ball over the goal line, tackling a football player in his own end zone, or a kicker kicking the football through the goal posts on the opposing side. The football team with the highest score when the game is over is the team that wins the game. American football is also played in other countries outside the United States. Their are […]

Is Football a Dead Sport Walking?

Duration: 12:20 52

An examination of the state of American football and a comprehensive solution to ensure its continued life Football is dying because our brains just can’t take it. More specifically, the brains of football players. One key thing you probably note in the title of this article is the absence of the word “professional”, and that is because I am referring to the brains of all football players and not just professionals. Current media coverage might lead you to believe that […]

Semi-Professional Football: Rules And Athletes

Duration: 02:34 41

Semi-Professional Football is considered football that men play who get paid less than livable wages. This is not really correct. In most semi-pro leagues, such as the New England Football League, it is against league rules to reimburse players in any way. Which means no one is making any money playing semi-pro football. The first year team for the Vermont Ice Storm in the New England Football League is made up of players who love football so much that they […]

Slash Your 40-time and Get Faster

Duration: 02:34 50

How to get faster for football…a question filled with gimmick answers and hucksters trying to stick you for your papers. Forgetting all the cones and parachutes that you have to get past, you also have “coaches” giving incorrect info on how to effectively use plyometrics to get faster for football and decrease your 40-time. How do we really go about increasing football speed? – Strength is the basis for speed. Cones and gimmicks are an enormous waste of time…unless your […]

My Fantasy Ball Football Mid-season Tips for Winning your Fantasy Football League

Duration: 02:34 44

I hear what you’re saying. It is the middle of the season. Your fantasy football team is on the right track to win your championship. You have studied the Yahoo cheat sheets religiously. Or, you have looked at the ESPN Fantasy Football Rankings until you can’t see straight. Or, on the other hand, maybe your team is headed right for the cellar. Despite your best efforts, you haven’t been able to make your fantasy football team work. You actually showed up for the draft. You bought […]

The Case for Flag Football As an Olympic Sport

Duration: 02:34 42

The Olympics are unlike any other sporting competition on the planet. For 16 days, over 300 events representing 35 sports and every country on the planet compete to take home their prized medals, and I have looked forward to watching the Summer Olympics every 4 years since as far back as I can remember. But there’s always been something missing. One of the United States most popular sports, and a top 10 sport throughout the world, it looks as though […]